Friday 20 January 2017

Tuesday 17 January 2017

Set Design

Draft 1
This is the set design that me and Lisa have created and its the final look. We made it blue and pink so it represents boy vs girl and we think its the right size for our game show.

Wednesday 11 January 2017

Designing the Cue cards

Draft 1
First draft of the cue cards, this is my version on it because Lisa has done her own.

Tuesday 10 January 2017

Game show location

We picked the studio room to film our game show as it was the only room available. At first we thought that maybe the studio room could be too small to fit our set design but we measured the room and we found out that its perfect. We have enough space to fit lights cameras and boom mic everywhere. We also have a back screen which can be changed to white, black or even green screen. That helps us if we ever need to edit something at the back we can use green screen.

In this picture we see the space that we have to build our set design and we were gonna build it in front of the white paper board. We wanted to cover the black poles on either sides and the top black pole, and also cover the lights. So we planned to make a banner that say's "Double Trouble" to cover it.

These three pictures of leutrim and Jamie, are measuring the floor to see how big the studio room is, and if it is enough room for the camera set up and our set design. They measured everywhere around the room and leutrim recorded the measurements down so he can figure out how the set will look and work.      

This is where the camera's were set up at the end of the room. We are going to use only three camera's as we feel that it is enough. So we get to capture each shot from different angles and we will use them to edit later on once we filmed the actual show.

Here Rada and Ilyas are testing the camera's to see if they are ok and in good working order for when we rehearse to use later. Also it teaches them on how to use a filming camera for future reference.

Leutrim recorded the measurements that him and Jamie did around the studio floor. Now we can use that to help us build our set design and to see how much space we need or how high the set will be. We will now know whats in the way or what could be moved in the room for extra space.

Final logo design

This is the final look of the logo design and we thought to add blue and pink because the contestants will be boys vs girls, so each colour represents the gender. We really like the way it looks and we also think its suitable for our game show.