Wednesday 30 November 2016

Set design Initial Ideas

This is the set design that me and Lisa designed and we might use it for our game show. We got the idea from another game show design that we saw on google images. We researched different types of game shows and picked out different ideas from each of them like shapes and lights. I also planned on where the contestants will be standing and where the host will be. The host should be in the middle of the floor and the contestants should be on each side and there will be a table 

Friday 25 November 2016

Initial set design

This is my initial set design i have created in Sally's lesson.

How have you used photography as a form of primary research to develop your initial set design ideas?
How i have used photography for primary research is that i took the pictures myself. I didn't get the images from the internet or got it from anyone else i took them with a camera.

Do you think this has been successful?
I think it has been successful because it will help me and my group get an idea of how we would want our set design to look.

How do you think this has helped you to develop your ideas?
This has helped me develop my ideas because i will now know how to build my set design for my group as i am set designer,

What influence has looking at the research methods f Stanley Kubrick in the last project influenced how you approach the research you have completed in this project?

Which of your initial design ideas do you think is the most successful?

Explain why?

How could you develop this idea further to use for the game show concept you have chosen?

Tuesday 22 November 2016

Set design description and analysis

Related image
This is Catchphrase and its a quiz game show. The set is brightly lit and its clear so the audience can see. There are also little lights at the top of the stage and those one can change colour depending on the mood. The set has red, blue, purple and yellow lighting. It has a black background but everything else has colour which stands out from the background.

Image result for the edge gameshow
This is the edge, the set design of this is that it has circular lights and its colourful. The background is is dark and there's square shapes and rectangle. There's a stand for where the contestants stand and there's a line that goes around the studio.

Image result for tipping point
This is tipping point and the set is brightly lit, its easy to identify emphasis and its quite simple. It mainly focuses on the contestants and the presenter. It has circular lights and a big purple square around the tipping point machine which makes the audience to focus just on that to create tension. There's yellow lights in the background which moves everywhere in the back.

Image result for the cube
This is the cube and the set is mainly dark. There's red colors and that can create tension and can be intense for the audience. This can put pressure on the contestant as the colours are quite dark and gloomy and quite mysterious.

Monday 21 November 2016

My logo for group/Feedback

This my idea of the game show logo for my group. I personally like it because the colours stand out and the text is fancy. The text reminds me of a children's cartoon and that could attract the audience like its a fun playful game show. The text also has double effect on each letter which gives it a 3D look which could be appealing to everyone.

I think mine should be chosen because it has a different, unique effect and it's basic and straightforward.

This is the feedback i got from the class and i also got it from my teacher. I got some good positive comments and i also got some negatives for improvement.

Javier Mariscal

Image result for javier mariscal workImage result for javier mariscal
Javier Mariscal is a Spanish graphic designer and furniture designer. He studied philosophy at university in Valencia before going on to study graphic design at the Escuela de Grafismo elisava in Barcelona. His work has spanned a wide range of mediums, ranging from painting and sculpture to interior design and landscaping. He was born in February 1950 in the city of Valencia, Spain into a family of eleven brothers and sisters. he has been living and working in Barcelona.

Mariscal has designed some furniture's and interior designs for homes. He has also designed things like carpets and rugs. Also children's chairs and accessories like playhouses.

Image result for javier mariscal work
This is one his work that he created and i personally like this one because its like a collage with different colours and its eye catchy. It also has different designs on it which makes it more interesting and it also has different patterns.