Tuesday 28 March 2017

Researching set design

Me and Lisa were researching different types of game show set designs and we came across this one, and i really liked this one because it looked quite simple and basic to make as we've never built a set design before. I really like the background and the back set it looks like a standard set and also i like where the two podiums are positioned.
Image result for game show set design


Researching existing gameshow websites

I have researched different types of game show websites and i found 'Bullseye'. Maria is the one who made the website for our game show. I can see that the website has different labels of activities and information when you click on them. It also says information on the home page such as the welcoming page and telling you about the website. It also has social media links so you can follow them and keep updated with them. They also have there mini prices where you can take part in a mini game. It tells you when the show stars and what channels to watch it on and the time, it also shows you the latest news. On the top of the website it has the 'Bullseye' logo which represents the whole show. The show is on a channel called 'challenge'. It also shows the past presenters of the show, and that shows that this show has been going on for a long time.
Image result for bullseye game show

Monday 27 March 2017

Job roles in a game show

10 job roles that are needed to make a game show:

  • Director
  • Producer
  • Host
  • Editor
  • Camera Operator
  • Lighting Director
  • Boom Operator
  • Researcher
  • Executive Producer
  • Art Director
I would like to be camera operator because i have been a camera person in my previous film i made, and i did it well also i would like to be editor because i have some editing skills as iv'e edited pictures before because iv'e done photography. I have researched that camera operator is usually part of camera crew who works closely  with directors, actors and other members of a production team to make creative and technical decisions.  

Preparing Set Design

Me Lisa and Rada were making the set design in these pictures below. We went to the art room to prepare the set design and we got the props like the cardboard and rulers and scissors to cut the cardboard. We also got two poles to stick the cardboard on so it stands up right. We then only had to paint both of them pink and blue because thats our gameshow logo colour.

Double trouble logo

Me and Lisa went to 'REPROGRAPHICS' in willow 46 to print an A3 sheet of paper that says "Double Trouble" with the logo. We wanted it to be part of the set design and we would of stuck it either in the back wall or on the table.

This is how it came out when it was printed and we went to test it out in the set design and we think it didn't work out because it was to small to see. We put it at the back of the wall and we wanted to see if we could see it through the camera and we put it on focus but it was to small to notice it so, we decided not to have it at all for the game show.

Sunday 12 March 2017

Graphic Design Groups

Tomato graphic design group
Tomato is a group of artists, designers, musicians and writers. Tomato creates and delivers cross platform, multi-media art and design projects: both commercial and research based, for national and international clients.

Pixel Wall, Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park

I Like this because its a big wall of pixels and its clear and easy for people to see from a distant.

Chalkboard, EACC

This one is kinda cool its got graphite everywhere, even though you cant really see that much it properly has a message underneath.

Levis shorts

This one is like an advert, like for advertising the shorts and i like how the square is just around the shorts.

The partners graphic design group

Hong Kong gallery week

This one is really creative because you have the text all over the place, and it also has a culture feel to it.

Stand out

I really like this one because its all red and i think that symbolizes something and also it has designs on them.

Meet the curious mind

This one to me is like telling you about nature and animals that live outside in the wild.

Graphic thought facility 
This is the identity they have created. I think its a good identity because its easily recognizable to everyone.

This is the Oki-Nami identity that they created, this was actually redesigned because there was an original one that had a neon focus, they used free-form arrangement to make the new one. They redesigned the interior such as the lanterns, they are now made from Japanese paper.

Mise En Scene

The arrangement of everything that appears in the framing- actors, lighting, decor, props, costume. These are called 'mise en scene', a french term that means "placing on stage". The frame and camerawork are also considered part of the mise en scene of a movie. In the cinema, placing on the stage really means placing on the screen, and the director is in charge of deciding what goes where, when, and how.
This can also help the audience to understand characters and elements of the story. Another way we recognise genres are through common narratives. Narrative is made from plot and theme. One way the narrative is constructed is by using- Tzventan todorov theory suggests that there in some way is a balance to creating a narrative. This is done by the five stages:
1. Equilibrium
3. Recognition of disruption
4.Attempt to repair
5.Resolution or new equilibrium    

Wednesday 8 March 2017

Job roles

In my group for the game show we had Leutrim, Rada, Maria, Lisa, Hussein, Ilyas and Jamie. We all had different roles to do in order to have a good successful game show, and for everyone to take part.

Leutrim was director so he was in charge of everything that went on during the whole process. He would tell us what to do and if we had an idea we had to get it to him first.

Jamie and Maria were both producers as 'Double trouble' game show was there idea.

Camera woman
Rade was camera woman and she was on camera 1.

Camera man 2
Lisa was camera woman as well and she had camera 2.

Camera man 3
Jamie was camera man and he was on camera 3

Set Design
Me and Lisa were the ones that were in charge of the set design.

Leutrim is the one that is going to edit the game show once we filmed it.

Floor manager
Hussein is the floor manger and he has to make sure that everyone is in their place before we start filming and he also does the countdown.


We rehearsed most of the time and leutrim provided us with the script to use, so we can get an idea of how the game show would be like. One time when Hussein wasn't in i offered to fill his place of TV host just for that day. The other people in our group like Maria and Jamie filled in as contestants just for the time being because we didn't have other people yet. We didn't have anything set up yet like camera's and lights or even props. Over time and weeks we decided to use the equipment for our rehearsals to make us prepare and to actually know what were doing on the actual day. This will help us learn on how to set up equipment like cameras, lights, vision mixer, and sound when the technician shows us the first time. I had to learn on how to set up the vision mixer because that was my role and it was pretty easy and straightforward. We also had a rehearsal where we used the actual props and i think that was a good idea because we would know what to expect on the real shooting and its like a preparation.

Tuesday 7 March 2017

Cue Cards

Final version
This is the final look of the cue card that Lisa has designed. I think it looks great and i like the design in the background also the colours work well, and the text in the bottom is very fancy. Its good that she used black for the text so it stands out and also we wanted to use this in our game show for the TV host to hold.

Cue cards

Draft 2
This is another version of it and this is the one that Lisa made.

Set design

Draft 3
This is another draft that we did but this time we added the two squares which are meant to be tables and we added the host which is Hussein. This is a old draft because before Hussein was the original TV host for our game show but then Leutrim the director wanted him to have another job role which was to be floor manger. The TV host was changed to Aaingel Nathan.

Set design

Draft 2
This is another set design that we thought it could potentially look like and we added the game show logo.

Post Prodution

Leutrim was the editor for TV game show and he edited it with Maria in the Mac room. I think it was edited really well considering we had only few days left before posting it on you tube and showing it to everyone in the class.




Our TV game show
This is the actual TV game show that we filmed in early February on our production day.

App design
This is the app design that leutrim designed for our game show. I think he did a good job on it because its quite basic and straightforward and he used the right colour scheme and he kept the logo which will represent our game show. I do think that maybe he could add more pages of different activities but overall it looks great.

Log in page


About us page


Poll page

Website design
This is the website design that Maria has made and i think she did good on it but i do think she could of added more links to it so people can click on a 'home page' or 'about us page' to make it more realistic. Also i feel that there's not that much information maybe she could of added a small mini game since its a TV game show. Overall i think she did well on it, the colours represent 'double trouble' and the pictures are fun and bubbly just like our game show.




Equipment setup for the game show
During some rehearsals and the real filming of game show we had a ton of filming equipment's to prepare. Here are some photos of them down below:

Communication station:
Here is where the director uses his headphones and microphone to communicate with the camera people.

Lighting station:
Here is where you control lights on high or low you want them.


Vision mixer area:
In vision mixer you can see the camera point of view in different angles by pressing the buttons, to see which angle you'd like.


Camera setups:
Here are photos of the camera's that are being set up for the camera crew and the technician is showing and telling them on how to use them and how to set them up.


Down here is the sound set up which i think is probably the hardest job role to do. Because it was kinda tricky we had to use one other member from the other group to help our member in our group on it so it can run smoothly because i don't think just one person could do this job.



We had our original contestants dressed in costumes, but then sadly we had to ditch them because one of them felt ill the day before the actual shooting the production and we had to find other people who wouldn't mid being contestants and when we found one of them couldn't fit in the costume so we thought there's no point of having them because there all meant to wear one. I think it would of been more funny if they had the costumes because our game show was meant to have comedy, but overall it did go really well.

