Wednesday 8 March 2017

Job roles

In my group for the game show we had Leutrim, Rada, Maria, Lisa, Hussein, Ilyas and Jamie. We all had different roles to do in order to have a good successful game show, and for everyone to take part.

Leutrim was director so he was in charge of everything that went on during the whole process. He would tell us what to do and if we had an idea we had to get it to him first.

Jamie and Maria were both producers as 'Double trouble' game show was there idea.

Camera woman
Rade was camera woman and she was on camera 1.

Camera man 2
Lisa was camera woman as well and she had camera 2.

Camera man 3
Jamie was camera man and he was on camera 3

Set Design
Me and Lisa were the ones that were in charge of the set design.

Leutrim is the one that is going to edit the game show once we filmed it.

Floor manager
Hussein is the floor manger and he has to make sure that everyone is in their place before we start filming and he also does the countdown.

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