Tuesday 7 March 2017


From this whole experience i have learned and gained a good understanding about how to produce a TV game show.

In the beginning of the preparation of the game show we had to pitch our ideas to the class, you could of done it alone or with somebody. I done it with Lisa and we came up with the idea of 'star power' and it was about

During this time we were put into groups and i was in a group of 8 who was me, Rade, Jamie, Lisa, Maria, Ilyas, Leutrim and Hussein. We all had different roles to do like i was doing the set design and being the vision mixer, Rade was camera woman. Jamie was cameraman, Lisa was camera woman, Maria was sound. Leutrim was director and editor and Hussein was floor manager and he also was supposed to be the TV host but that got changed later on. I liked my role because being a vision mixer is really easy and i also liked doing the set design and preparing it all.

We often had group meetings to discuss what were gonna do, and we had lots of rehearsals in the studio room. We would set up everything like the camera's and the lights and sound. Also i would set up the vision mixer and test it on the screen. The rehearsals that we first had was when we had no props but just chairs and tables. Hussein was our TV host at that time and the contestants were people from our own group until we got other people to fill in. We would go through the script and they would act it out in front of us. Leutrim thought that maybe Hussein shouldn't be the TV presenter as he thought he would be better of being the floor manager. So he decided to get Aaingel to be the TV host.

After a couple of weeks me and Lisa were searching up on how to make the set design. We did some research online and we used Photoshop to design it and to get an idea of how the set will look like. We came to the conclusion of what the set design will look like so we drew it out on A3 paper and we were searching for materials for it. Sally came and helped us with getting the materials and she showed us where to get it from, and Damon came with us. He gave us suggestions like the two poles and we carried it to the studio room, while that was there me, Lisa and Rade got cardboard and we painted them pink and blue and we then stuck them on the two poles. We then wanted to make a banner that says 'double trouble' but we didn't have time so we just used long black string and put flyers on the string and we used pink and blue ribbons on it to represent double trouble. We then set everything up like the tables with the activities on and we had a rehearsal with the actual stuff.

The next day it was our actual shooting day and i was a bit nervous because i didn't want anything to go wrong. Some things did go wrong as some of the contestants backed out so we had to find other people to fill in. Luckily we found people to fill in and we then started to shoot the actual TV game show and i was on the vision mixer. I press the button when the director tells me to do it and that was Leutrim and the buttons change to different camera views. We shot the game show a lot of times because there was some mistakes in the beginning but we finally got through with it. In terms of audio it was good because the contestants and the host spoke clearly and loudly into the mic so the sound picked it up well. The visual was good when i watched it back it was a bit fuzzy on some of the camera's but overall it was good. The interactive elements were good the contestants interacted well and they used the props well because the audience can see them clearly. When we finished filming it was a wrap and we were so happy that we finally finished the whole production bit after a lot of rehearsals and hard work before like trying to get the set design. After we finished we tided up the whole filming equipment and put down the set design and just cleared everything up, we decided to take a group photo together.

       Cast+Crew picture

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