Wednesday 8 March 2017


We rehearsed most of the time and leutrim provided us with the script to use, so we can get an idea of how the game show would be like. One time when Hussein wasn't in i offered to fill his place of TV host just for that day. The other people in our group like Maria and Jamie filled in as contestants just for the time being because we didn't have other people yet. We didn't have anything set up yet like camera's and lights or even props. Over time and weeks we decided to use the equipment for our rehearsals to make us prepare and to actually know what were doing on the actual day. This will help us learn on how to set up equipment like cameras, lights, vision mixer, and sound when the technician shows us the first time. I had to learn on how to set up the vision mixer because that was my role and it was pretty easy and straightforward. We also had a rehearsal where we used the actual props and i think that was a good idea because we would know what to expect on the real shooting and its like a preparation.

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